Mika - An Alaskan Malamute

Mika - An Alaskan Malamute
Mika watching a squirrel in our backyard. January 10, 2011

Mika is a Moonsong Malamute Rescue Dog

Please read the first two Blog posts (In the Blog Archive on January 21) for details about Mika's amazing "Miracle" rescue.

Note! Mika has been adopted. I will miss her.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

January 9, 2011 Mika & Tasha Meet separated by Kennel fence.

Because Mika seems very excited when she sees another dog we have kept her separated from Tasha and Stony.   We know from experience that Stony is unpredictable with foster dogs and even will sometimes attack Tasha for no apparent reason.  Consequently we are keeping him separated all the time now.

Tasha, on the other hand, seems to get along with almost all dogs and will initiate play behavior whenever she can.  This day we decided to see what would happen if Mika and Tasha were separated by the Kennel fence, but could see, smell and touch noses.   Mika was pretty excited and yowled somewhat at first like she always does when she sees or hears another dog.  But, she walked right up to the Kennel and did not try to initiate any fence fighting.  Neither did Tasha.  As you can see in these photos, Tasha would avert her eyes and look away whenever Mika looked at her.  We decided to switch places and repeat the experiment in subsequent days and found that Tasha would lay down just outside the gate even though Mika was interested in getting out. (I don't have photos of this reversal of roles.)

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