Mika - An Alaskan Malamute

Mika - An Alaskan Malamute
Mika watching a squirrel in our backyard. January 10, 2011

Mika is a Moonsong Malamute Rescue Dog

Please read the first two Blog posts (In the Blog Archive on January 21) for details about Mika's amazing "Miracle" rescue.

Note! Mika has been adopted. I will miss her.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

December 23, 2010 Mika Plays With Rope Toy

Many malamutes I have been around are not really very interested in chasing balls or toys and bringing them back to you.  Our dog Tasha is an exception.  She loves to run after balls and rope toys and often she will let you have them to throw again.  If you quit playing she will often grab the toy and keep throwing it in the air entertaining herself.

To this point we have not wanted to let Tasha and Mika play together, because Mika seems to be so reactive.  I will write more about how this changed in a later post.

However, we discovered that she loves to run after balls and rope toys too.  She will carry them around and sometimes come back to us, but she does not want to give them up to let us throw them again.  Below are a couple of shots of Katy and Mika playing the rope pull.

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